
Assisted living and adult daycare aren’t the only options for your favorite senior.

Seniors have so much to offer. They don’t need a sitter—they need stimulation!

We know that you’re stressed out and overwhelmed with everything on your plate, yet you still want the best for your loved one. It is a very real tension.

Between your career, your children, and your aging family member, you have a lot of people who need you and it’s hard to feel like you’re making the right decisions. But you don’t have to have all the answers . . . you just need to take the next step.

We’re here to walk with you and your senior through this uncertain, but exciting time in life.

Up to this point, you may have only thought that assisted living or adult daycare were your only options. But Thyme 4 Friends offers you a unique and much-needed alternative.

Think about it this way: If your family member is in an assisted living facility, you are paying a lot of money for them to be there . . .  yet their care is still very dependent on the person who showed up for that shift. 

Does that person have a passion and excitement for seniors or are they just collecting a paycheck?

There are indeed a lot of good facilities, but unfortunately, there are plenty of undesirable ones, too. And it just takes one bad caregiver for your senior to have a terrible experience.

At adult daycares, your loved one still has to leave the house, and they may not feel safe, comfortable, or even have the ability to do so. We have a plan that works for everyone.

Thyme 4 Friends virtual classes include trivia challenges as well as mind and memory activities tailored to enhance a senior’s confidence and dignity levels. People retain immeasurable information from their past education, travel, and life experience, and we encourage these memories and experiences through all of our online activities.

By participating in T4F online classes via Zoom, you can expect:

  • A terrific hour together that can be enjoyed from the safety and comfort of your own home.

  • A distraction-free class that is totally focused on the participants.

  • A community that is excited to see your favorite senior and will miss them when they’re not there.

  • A space that welcomes everyone as they are, and allows seniors to interact and process at their own pace.

  • A consistent schedule that provides seniors with both structure and anticipation for the next time we’re together. 

We like to think of T4F as coming to you, rather than you having to go somewhere else.

We happily show up for our community, and are grateful to be part of their lives. Can we count you in?


Thyme 4 Friends offers two categories of support:


For senior adults, we offer multiple classes throughout the week that provide:

  • An opportunity to be socially and mentally active, even when they can’t be physically active.

  • A community of friends who love life and want to make new memories.

  • A space to belong to, where they are seen, heard, and understood.

  • An opportunity to contribute and share their wisdom and experiences. 

  • A life-affirming hour to learn and laugh with others who believe there are more good days ahead.

For family members and caregivers, we offer FREE biweekly meetings that provide:

  • Emotional support and a safe space for sharing the feelings, issues, and challenges you’re facing.

  • A like-minded group of peers that understands your responsibilities and acts as a sounding board.

  • A caring community that will help replenish your energy and bring a smile to your face, no matter how tired you feel. 

  • A source of information and resources for not only understanding what your favorite senior is going through, but how to help them thrive in their next phase of life.

  • Guest speakers and subject matter experts who can answer your toughest and most honest questions.

Here’s the bottom line:

With Thyme 4 Friends, your favorite senior will have a great experience, learn something new, and meet new friends. We make that promise to you right now.

Ready to get started?

Check out our schedule of upcoming online classes.

"I am so excited about your offerings at Thyme 4 Friends. Our daughter looks forward to attending her daily Zoom Class."

– M. H.
